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God’s Holy Families/Tribes

Word to The Ecclesia:

We are living in a New Era, and The Lord is speaking “Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia.


Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say:

The Family…The Family is My creation.

I created The Family for My holy purposes. Starting with Adam and Eve, My plan was always for family. Just as individuals and nations have destinies, families also carry legacy, inheritance, and heritage of My ordained purposes, plans, and anointings. Like the 12 tribes of Israel, I have intentionally formed families/tribes for My kingdom purposes. They do not happen by accident.

Families are typically defined and identified by a common bloodline and legal marriage union. But families can also include those that are “adopted” into the family, either through a legal process or a spiritual process. Those who are grafted[1] in to a family, by My handiwork, make a family unit complete for My purposes.

Spiritual grafting occurs when one of My precious ones needs to be re-positioned into a family that is operating under My Lordship; either because that beloved one has lost their family, or their family of origin has not chosen to follow and surrender to Me. Remember that My plans will not be thwarted; My plans are never thwarted! There are times that I simply rearrange familial positionings, grafting a beautiful puzzle piece into a holy family’s puzzle; thus, completing the magnificent picture of the destiny for this newly completed family.

For those who do not have a family that has placed itself under My Lordship, I am calling you to engage your spiritual eyes and look around to see what I am revealing. Seek Me to illuminate the holy family into which I will graft you. This spiritual, adoptive family may be surprising and unexpected, but it is Good! I am re-forming spiritual families right now, to be united together as one for My purposes. Remember that there are no orphans[2] in My Body.

Where there is a stronghold of offense and unforgiveness within a family, NOW is the time to reconcile, as much as it is up to you[3]. Now is the time to bless family members who have hurt you, and point them to Me. If there is perpetual wickedness and rebellion against Me in the family, surrender them to Me and press me for the path to a purified family. As My holy ones offer their broken families to Me from a heart of love, forgiveness, holiness, surrender, and obedience, I will do a work on their behalf.

But even while contending for your family’s deliverance and salvation, NOW is the time to step into the spiritual family that I have prepared for you. In this holy tribe, you will discover and reclaim the destiny that had been stolen from you. Wholeness, purpose, and fulfillment will be found, because My treasured ones will be the missing puzzle pieces that complete the newly re-formed, blessed family units. The family pictures will become complete!

As all of these beautiful puzzle pieces are put into place, My holy, surrendered family units will become whole and ready to victoriously walk out their appointed assignments and purposes; thus, bringing Me great honor and glory on the earth.

I am purifying My family units now, that they may raise up children in the way they should go[4], in honor, fear, and reverence of Me[5]. I am making My family units holy, so that they will be a demonstration and display of My great love, mercy, and grace to the world; a world currently under siege by hatred, evil, depravity, rage, self-indulgence, deception, and desire for power, control, and domination. I am calling The Family to shine brightly in this dark world, to be a radiant representation of the love of The Father through the love of the His sons and daughters.

Just as the 12 tribes of Israel each had an appointed name and a defined purpose[6], each family unit today has holy purposes, with specific callings and anointings that need to be picked up and carried into the world. I am calling My holy family units to come up higher, in order to engage with Me in great Kingdom exploits in these times; so that …  

My kingdom will come, My will be done on earth, just as it is in heaven.[7]

There is great heavenly power and purpose in this unity within the bonds of love in My holy families. Families have a significant role in heaven’s strategies for these times and they must be united and in position!


[1] Grafted – to cause to unite with a stock; to implant; to join or unite; to attach


[2] John 14:18 [Jesus said] “I will not leave you orphans….”


[3] Romans 12:18 “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”


[4] See Proverbs 22:6.


[5] Hebrews 12:28 “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.”


[6] See Genesis 49.


[7] Matthew 6:10


Until next time...



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In the quiet moments of worship, Shari loves sitting in the presence of The Lord, listening attentively to His whispers. Her journal often becomes a canvas for the divine messages He imparts, which frequently encompass His vision for His Ecclesia, the region, America, and the nations.


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