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Great Awakening Requires Preparation Through Purification

Word to The Ecclesia:

We are living in a New Era and The Lord is speaking “Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia. But before sharing present words, He has led me to look back at some words that He has spoken over the past few years.

Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say:

8/26/2020—A Great Awakening is coming which requires—preparation (the act of getting ready), leading to preparedness (the state of being prepared and ready)

through purification. Those who would partner with Me in ushering this Great Awakening to earth must be humbly and intimately aligned with Me—My heart and My ways—while taking up their positions of authority as My sons and daughters. These faithful ones will be the purified vessels needed to join with Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, angels, and the saints, in establishing a “landing spot” on earth. Here at the landing spot(s) that My holy remnant has prepared, My Revival will be welcomed and the flames of My Revival fire will be fanned across the world. Partnership with Me through Holy Spirit led prayers and decrees (speaking what God says over the Church and the land) will culminate in a tipping point, resulting in a great outpouring over

The Church, America, and the World.

8/31/2020—The Next Great Awakening, through a shaking and a fire, will bring about a heavenly breakthrough for the opening of eyes, ears, and hearts, in shock and utter amazement at what many have missed through choices leading to blindness, deafness, and hard hearts. I will pour out My Spirit, available to all men, in might and power and glory, to reveal Myself in ways that no mind has ever imagined. They will look and be utterly amazed at what I will do out of My great love and desire to draw them to Myself. It will be painful for some and joyful for others, depending on the condition of their hearts. This outpouring of My love and My Spirit will be available to all—the righteous and the wicked. There is none- not even one- who will be excluded from the invitation to know Me and to embrace My love and My Spirit. They need only turn to Me and fall upon Me. I am the rebuilder of broken walls, healer of broken hearts, redeemer of broken lives.

This I will do out of the great abundance and overflow of My great love for

My created ones, who I formed in My own image.

The tipping point is approaching, in which the scales will favorably turn and My “Glory Train” will leave the station of heaven, to bring this outpouring to earth. I have kingdom assignments for those who are aligned with My heart and My ways for the release of this mighty work of redemption upon the earth– which includes heavenly encounters, fresh revelation, conviction and repentance leading to salvation.

The landing spot must be made ready— it must be prepared. I am calling My holy remnant to hover over the landing spot, to create space for Me on earth, where the atmosphere of heaven—holiness, reverence and fear of The Lord…

and humility, purity, honor, truth, love, submission, obedience, grace—


My Glory will be welcomed and released there.

This preparation will establish the state of “preparedness through purification”. The consecration and lasting establishment of this state of “being ready” will come through a devotion to worshiping Me day and night. This is what I am calling My holy remnant to embark upon with Me—to make ready the earthly landing pad;

thus tipping the scales,

so that My outpouring leaves the heavenly station and invades the earth,

in all of My Glory.

This will be the greatest display of My glory and splendor mankind has ever seen, and I will do it out of My great love for My created ones,

all of whom I yearn to draw near to Me.

10/8/2020—Come close… come closer…and I will share My heart.

(I feel and hear His heartbeat as I lay my head on His chest.)

There is much I desire to say. My Bride is not ready, not prepared, for My Great Awakening. I am calling My holy remnant to press further and deeper into releasing My truth and My heart over Her, to bring Her into a place of desiring to be made ready.

I love My Bride with an everlasting love; but in many ways, she has not opened herself up to receive the fullest extent of that love. Now is the time; time is short.

6/12/21—People get ready, The Train is Coming!

Don’t miss The Train that is being released from heaven.

It is The Glory Train, carrying the Great Move of My Spirit across the nations,

to ALL who will wake up and respond to My call.

Don’t miss My Glory Train. Get ready!

For those who are not already prepared through the purification process, which I have made available to ALL in recent times, it is not too late. But time is short.

People… get ready…Now! My Glory Train is on the move.

Don’t waste a moment…respond to the alarm- My wake-up call is here!

 Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Psalm 24:7

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In the quiet moments of worship, Shari loves sitting in the presence of The Lord, listening attentively to His whispers. Her journal often becomes a canvas for the divine messages He imparts, which frequently encompass His vision for His Ecclesia, the region, America, and the nations.


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