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Holy Army Prepares The High-Way

Updated: Sep 20

Sitting at the feet of Jesus…

I see an ancient stairway and I hear Jesus saying to His Ecclesia…

Come up higher.

Jesus is standing at the top of this stairway, leading His Holy Army further up the steps. Those who have chosen to go higher are following very closely behind Him, so that they do not get separated from Him or go off in the wrong direction.

I hear Him say:

It pleases Me that My Holy Ones are following Me so closely. You can trust in My faithfulness; knowing that as you stay close, I will only lead you where I am going.

I ask: Where are you leading us? Where are we going?

We are going higher. I am taking you up higher and higher in Me. To go where I am taking you will require a greater measure of faith. As you seek after Me and ask, I will give it to you. Holy Ones, are you up for that?

And His Holy Bride says:

Yes! Our response to Your call continues to be a resounding, “Yes!”

Jesus, we bow before you in deep humility and gratitude that You would take us higher with You. We lay down our lives before You… our ways, our desires, our schedules, our focus, our energy, our sleep, our finances, our thoughts, our hearts, our bodies, our time… our EVERYTHING! We lay it all down before You on the altar, and declare that it all belongs to You. We have been crucified with You and the life we now live is Yours to do with whatever You desire. We are Yours.

We ask You for a greater measure of faith, to walk out everything that You have purposed for us to do and to be. Praise You Jesus that You are pouring that into us now, as we bow before You! Thank You, faithful Jesus! We will believe for everything that You speak to us, and for everything that You put in our hearts to go after. We declare that You have given us the faith to move mountains; You have given us the faith to part seas!

We declare that Your word will flow from our mouths, as we obediently cry out in the wilderness in these times, “Prepare the way of The Lord; clear a straight path for Him. Make straight in the desert a Highway for The Lord. The King of Glory is coming in. Prepare His way!”[1]

He continues:

I have recently allowed many to experience more and more of My tangible Glory; and more and more will experience it going forward. Do not take this lightly, but remain in a place of humble reverence, awe, and wonder. My glory is being released in greater measure over the earth, as I reclaim everything that belongs to Me[2]. My Holy Army has chosen to partner with me to “make space” for this outpouring of My Glory and to usher it in. The increase is coming, so get ready! You are being called to “Prepare the way of The Lord.” You are being called to “Make ready a Highway for The Lord.”

Be encouraged Holy Ones: At My name, every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that I am The Lord over ALL of heaven and over ALL of the earth and under the earth[3]. I am coming back in all of My Glory, to reclaim that which the enemy has stolen. My Bride must make ready the way, the High-way, for My Glory to be ushered in.

Hold fast to My Word. If My Bride doesn’t know My Word, how can she hear My voice and follow Me? She must study My Word in order to present herself approved[4]; so that she may be “enlisted”[5] in My Holy Army that prepares the way for My Glory. I will press and nudge her, but I will not drag her into My Holy Army. This is a voluntary enlistment, not a draft.

Years ago, I called My people to prepare the landing spots across the earth for My promised outpouring. These landing spots are established through holiness, surrender, obedience, and true worship that invites and welcomes My presence, My power, and My glory. If there is not openness to all three of those aspects of Me (presence/power/glory), I will move on to other “prepared” landing spots.

I will not share My glory with another[6]. Pride, disobedience, and arrogant presumption will hinder the outpouring of My Spirit; leading Me to move on to where there is true holiness and surrender. But in these acceptable holy and consecrated landing spots, I will pour out the greater revelation of Myself, which will… Light The World On Fire!

This fire will reach from heaven down to earth, and it will carry the Father’s heart and His holiness. From this fire, The Father’s ordained destinies and purposes for His earth will be delivered. It will carry the plans of heaven and will “brand”[7] the earth with the seal (like a signet ring) of The Father’s fingerprints. This branding, this seal, will carry His blueprint of deliverance, restoration, and reformation of His beloved created world.

Do you want to be a part of My Holy Army? Lay down your earthly swords and take up your heavenly sword. Lay down your fleshly plans and solutions, and take up the wisdom and revelation of the mind of Christ. Lay down your passivity and take up the zeal of The Lord. Lay down your pride and self-preservation, and take up your cross and true humility. Lay down your life and take up My life lived out in you.

From there, I have so many exciting exploits of epic proportion to be carried out by My Holy Ones. These anointed assignments will literally transform The World into something pleasing to Me, making the earth look like heaven. This is the mission that I am calling you to, as I call you to come up higher.

I have so much to tell you and show you; things that will astound you and draw you closer to Me. But the requirement for going up higher with Me is to lay down low before Me. From there, I can use you as My pure and holy vessels that carry My glory, My fire, across the earth.



[1] See Isaiah 40:3-5, Luke 3:3-6.


[2] Psalm 24:1-2 (TLB) "The earth belongs to God! Everything in all the world is his!  He is the one who pushed the oceans back to let dry land appear."


[3] See Philippians 2:10-11.

Psalm 103:19 "The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all."


[4] 2 Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."


[5] Enlist- to secure the support and aid of : employ in advancing an interest; to win over; to engage (a person) for duty in the armed forces


[6] Isaiah 42:8 NLT "I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols."

[7] To Brand- (Wikipedia) In English lexicon, the word "brand", originally meant anything hot or burning, such as a "firebrand", a burning stick. By the European Middle Ages, it commonly identified the process of burning a mark into stock animals with thick hides, such as cattle, so as to identify ownership.


Until Next Time....



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In the quiet moments of worship, Shari loves sitting in the presence of The Lord, listening attentively to His whispers. Her journal often becomes a canvas for the divine messages He imparts, which frequently encompass His vision for His Ecclesia, the region, America, and the nations.


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