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Wildfire of Holiness Destroys Evil and Delivers Revival

Word to The Ecclesia:

We are living in a New Era, and The Lord is speaking

“Now” words to His Bride, to His Ecclesia.

Sitting at the feet of The Lord, I heard Him say:

Heighten the alert; sound the alarm— “The King of Kings is on the warpath.”1

I am coming in great power, but also with great mercy… for a time. Call on My power and on My mercy. Help is here. I am here to bring Light into the darkness, by releasing heavenly solutions filled with Resurrection Life. I will pour My Light into these desperate and evil times, in which depravity is covering the earth. Call on Me! Call on Me and I will answer, and I will tell you great and mighty things that you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).

Hold fast to your faith in Me; never let it go.2 Bow down before Me in deep humility, laying down low at My feet, crying “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty!”

I am on the warpath! My holiness will burn up the evil that covers the earth. It will be like pouring gas on a burning flame that is already ablaze 3. I am calling My True Ecclesia to be consumed and defined by My holiness. Through My “Prepared Holy Bride”, My holiness will spread like wildfire over the nations, creating the pathway for the greatest revival and reformation the world has ever seen.

Holiness will beget holiness. This fierce fire of holiness will ignite a pathway of destruction over the evil works of the enemy and it will serve as a purifying refiner’s fire within My Ecclesia. This fire will produce a purified, holy people to carry the flame of holiness across the nations. Heaven’s Power, depicted by “gas”, will be poured out over this fire; creating a heavenly wildfire of holiness and purification throughout the earth.

Holiness begets holiness and will spread like a wildfire…as My people, who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14a). Holiness will identify those who are My true warriors of Light, who carry My presence, My power, and My mercy over the earth.

I am doing a new thing; can you not perceive it?4 The Kingdom of Heaven is forcefully advancing and My forceful men will lay hold of it!5 


A Personal Note on Holiness:

Starting in 2017, God began to give me words to stand on in prayer, and to personally apply, about His coming Revival. The constant theme in these words from God was that there was a fire and a shaking coming, and that He was calling His Church to prepare through purification. In the past year, the Holy Spirit has said over and over to me—

Holiness is the key; holiness is required in these times.

I have come to understand that He has raised the bar from what He tolerated in us, His Bride, in the past. If we want to be a part of His Move, His Revival, His supernatural work over the earth in these times, we must go higher with Him into deeper holiness.

Holiness requires a heart and mind that is humbly wide open to allow, and even invite, His fire of correction and cleansing. Through the process of surrendering every facet of ourselves to His fire of purification, we are transformed into the sons and daughters that He can truly use to bring His kingdom to earth. Hungering for holiness is the pathway to receiving this divine work within us.

As I have entered with Him into this work of deeper purification, I have seen Him convict me and cleanse me of seemingly “insignificant” things in my life that He is requiring be purged, i.e., thoughts that are not His thoughts, judgmental attitudes, pride, selfishness, etc. He did a work in me a number of years ago regarding these things, so I thought it was taken care of. But recently, He has been “perfecting” those places in me even more thoroughly, because He has told me that in order to be truly useful in His hands in “such a time as this”, I must be truly holy.

I have recently come into a powerfully deep place with Him, in which I feel the weightiness of His presence. In this place, I have experienced a deep reverence of His Holiness, where I am “ruined”— I am undone. In His presence, I know that I am a “man of unclean lips” who has encountered His Glory.6 I am in Awe of Him and I want more!

In response, He continues to say— Holiness is the key.


(1) Warpath- A course that leads to warfare or battle; angry and ready to fight.


(2) Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

(3) Luke 12:49 I have come to ignite a fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! [It is already ablaze!]


(4) See Isaiah 43:19


(5) Matthew 11:12

NKJV— And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

GOD'S WORD® Translation— From the time of John the Baptizer until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing it.


(6) See Isaiah 6:5


Until Next Time….



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In the quiet moments of worship, Shari loves sitting in the presence of The Lord, listening attentively to His whispers. Her journal often becomes a canvas for the divine messages He imparts, which frequently encompass His vision for His Ecclesia, the region, America, and the nations.


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